Editors’ Picks

Support Maker Communities

Join us in celebrating the beautiful works of the Gee’s Bend Quilters, the Gullah basket weavers, Afghan Refugees Collective, the Indigenous Artisans Collective, and the Oaxaca Artesanía Collective. We’re proud that Etsy is a place where creatives of all backgrounds can feel supported and thrive.

Shop from Oaxaca Artesanía Collective

Shop from Indigenous Artisans Collective

Meet Indigenous Makers

Rich with tradition, the beautiful beaded jewelry, woven accessories, and handcrafted decor from these Indigenous creatives remind us to appreciate the origin stories of the art we enjoy. Read on to discover the inspiration behind their extraordinary designs, and help them shape tomorrow when you purchase their unique pieces.

Explore their ancestral art

Shop from Afghan Refugees Collective

Meet the Fiber Artists

Hand-crafted by Afghan refugees using traditional needlework techniques, these decorative textiles are deeply imbued with personal history. Even better? When you purchase one of their intricate embroideries or crocheted creations, you’re empowering these women to make a fresh start in the US.

See what they’ve been stitching

Shop from Gullah Basket Weavers

Meet the Weavers

The Gullah basket weavers create incredible designs rooted in their West African heritage. For generations, this community has passed down their skillful expertise. And now, they’re ready to share it with you! Read on to learn more about these talented crafters.

Go behind the baskets

Shop from Gee’s Bend Quilters

Meet the Quilters

Renowned for their hand-sewn quilts, the Gee's Bend community is a major part of American art history. Now—for the first time!—their gorgeous tapestries are available for online purchase. Read on to learn the histories of these awe-inspiring women.

Unravel the stories

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